English publications
- A first step towards a national risk assessment - Final.pdf
- A first step towards a national risk assessment - Summary.pdf
- A partner where and when needed.pdf
- A summary of risk areas and scenario analyses 2012–2015.pdf
- Action Plan for the Protection of Vital Societal Functions & Critical Infrastructure.pdf
- A-functioning-society-in-a-changing-world.pdf
- Antibiotic resistance and societal security.pdf
- Barents Rescue 2019 - Increasing disaster response capabilities in the Barents Region through enhanced cooperation.pdf
- Brochure presenting the MSB.pdf
- Building resilience for the future - lessons from Ukraine.pdf
- Building Resilience in the Nordic Region - A Swedish perspective.pdf
- Cascading Natrual Hazards - Visualizing, Learning and Understanding (CAZULU), 2019-2023.pdf
- Conference proceedings - International round-table on Extreme space weather.pdf
- Coping with stress and personal crises during international operations.pdf
- Designing Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Management.pdf
- Developing a national strategy for disaster risk reduction and resilience in Sweden.pdf
- Disaster Waste Management Guidelines.pdf
- Droughts and wildfires in Sweden past variation and future projection.pdf
- Emergencies & Crises 2009-2010.pdf
- Emergency Response Management in Today’s Complex Society.pdf
- Emergency response to incidents involving Hazardous substances.pdf
- Environment in MSB Operations - We enable and support.pdf
- EOD Medical Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards.pdf
- Evaluation of Exercises.pdf
- Exercise Barents Rescue 2019 - increasing disaster response capabilities in the Barents Region through enhanced cooperation.pdf
- Exercise guidance method booklet – exercise evaluation.pdf
- Extrication from Cars during Road Traffic Accidents.pdf
- Facilitators Guide - Arabic version.pdf
- Facilitators Guide - Botswana.pdf
- Facilitators Guide.pdf
- Fire protection at home.pdf
- Fire-safe camping - tips and advice for campers.pdf
- Fire Ventilation
- Five challenging future scenarios for societal security.pdf
- Handling serious IT incidents.pdf
- Healthy Firefighters the Skellefteå Model improves the work environment.pdf
- Helcom Balex Delta Exercises 2004 – 2014.pdf
- How we can limit and avert the consequences of a serious IT incident (Interim version March 2011).pdf
- ICS Parables Part 1.pdf
- ICS Parables Part 2.pdf
- ICS Parables Part 3.pdf
- Institutionalising gender equality in disaster risk reduction DRR challenges and impacts on women and men, girls and boys in the context of a changing climate.pdf
- International case report on cyber security incidents - Reflections on three cyber incidents in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden.pdf
- Islamic activism in a multicultural context ideological continuity or change.pdf
- Lighting fires and the common right of access to private land.pdf
- Lighting Fires and the Right of Public Access - Things to consider when lighting a campfire or barbecue outdoors.pdf
- Managing vulnerabilities to multiple water hazards in Sweden.pdf
- Mapping of institutional architecture for protection from oil spills in the Baltic Sea region survey results and report.pdf
- Measures to improve Sweden’s ability to prevent and handle IT incidents.pdf
- MSB Gender Equality Toolkit practical advice for international operations.pdf
- MSB Research Agenda 2024–2028
- National exercise plan.pdf
- NISÖ 2018 - After Action Report.pdf
- Physical limit values - summary and discussion of Report 3 on the project The Physical Capacity of Fireman.pdf
- Protection of vital societal functions & critical infrastructure.pdf
- Recent activities in Sweden to counter antagonistic electromagnetic threats.pdf
- Reflections on civil protection and emergency preparedness during major IT incidents.pdf
- Resilient cities in Sweden - Six inspiring examples on DRR action.pdf
- Response Guidelines for Landslides.pdf
- Returning home from a mission
- Safe and Sound Ten Years of Research and Development Cooperation between United States and Sweden.pdf
- SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011 Cooperation and Nuclear Emergency Exericse.pdf
- Silo fires fire extinguishing and preventive and preparatory measures.pdf
- Single-strain improved oral cholera vaccine - scientific report- Jan Holmgren.pdf
- Social costs of accidents in Sweden.pdf
- Social media in exercises.pdf
- Strategic challenges for societal security.pdf
- Strengthening civil preparedness
- Supporting society in the prevention and management of cyber security incidents.pdf
- Sweden and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 - A Gap Analysis.pdf
- Sweden and the USA - common challenges - shared solutions.pdf
- Swedish forums for crisis preparedness.pdf
- Swedish National Risk Assessment 2012.pdf
- Tactics, command, leadership.pdf
- The Art of Risk Understanding Representations of Risk in the Pacific and Caribbean Islands.pdf
- The European Union, the Baltic Sea region and crises building capacity for transboundary crisis management.pdf
- The MSB and societal information security.pdf
- The Sendai Framework – Swedish Disaster Risk Reduction Governance 2017.pdf
- Training Material Development Guide.pdf
- Uncertain futures.pdf
- Vented gases and aerosol of automotive Li-ion LFP and NMC batteries in humidified nitrogen under thermal load.pdf
- Water and other extinguishing agents.pdf
- WIS – a digital system for comprehensive situational awareness.pdf