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A functioning society in a changing world : the MSB´s report on a unified national strategy for the protection of vital societal functions

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A functioning society in a changing world : the MSB´s report on a unified national strategy for the protection of vital societal functions


In its decision on 14 April 2010 the Swedish Government commissioned the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB, to produce a unified national strategy for the protection of vital societal functions. The national strategy was reported 1 of March 2011. This strategy is based on what are now and what will in the immediate future (5–10 years) be vital societal functions. Actors that operate or have an affect on vital societal functions are covered by the strategy. The private sector and individuals are included in the term “actors”. So far in its work with the strategy the MSB is of the opinion that the process and involvement of various actors in the work has been extremely valuable and will be the key to the success of future work. The MSB has decided in the strategy not to name or suggest various authorities as responsible for the execution of activities. Responsibility for the execution of several of the proposed activities lies within the framework for MSB responsibilities, as detailed in the Government Instructions to the MSB.


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