Terms and conditions of employment
Salary, allowances and benefits during an international operation varies depending on the type of operation, the exact conditions are notified prior to each operation.
The basic salary is based on the requirements of applicable work experience and education and the responsibilities involved in the position. Salaries also reflect that operations often takes place in difficult living and working conditions and that field staff has non-regulated hours.
In addition to basic salary, a salary supplement may apply if the employee has previous international experience to be of great relevance to the operation.
Allowances and benefits
The MSB offers a comprehensive allowances and benefits package to field staff on international operations, ranging from free home leave travel to access to psychosocial support.
Read more about our allowances and benefits below.
During an operation the MSB pays for suitable accommodation.
Home leave travel
The MSB offers home leave travel to field staff on operations for a minimum of four months.
Annual leave
The ability to take leave during the contract period varies depending on the type of the operation. The MSB is committed to enabling field staff as far as possible to take their annual leave during the operation. Field staff with the right to annual leave receive 30 annual leave days per year. During shorter operations, holiday pay is paid in lieu of annual leave.
The MSB provide the necessary equipment for operations.
Additional expenses allowance
A tax-free allowance to cover the additional cost of for example food and transportation during an operation. The amount is determined by the Swedish Tax Agency.
Subsistence allowance
An allowance payable to an employee on official duty travel. This allowance will cover the increased cost of living during the official duty travel, such as higher food costs than usual and assorted sundries. The amount is determined by the Swedish Tax Agency.
All field staff is covered by pension benefits for state employment, PA16, regulated by the Swedish National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV).
The MSB has a comprehensive insurance package for field staff, including group life insurance, personal injury insurance, property insurance as well as emergency medical and dental care. The conditions are slightly different if you are not covered by Swedish social insurance.
Accompanying family members
Most operations take place in countries or regions where it is not appropriate to include family members. In some operations however, there may be an opportunity to bring the family to the duty station, and a number of allowances and benefits are then applicable. A number of criteria must be met in order for accompanying family members to be approved.
Health support
The MSB pays for a medical examination before the operation. The MSB Medical Coordinators provide operation specific health information and information on which vaccinations and prophylactic medicines are required for the area of operation.
If illness or injury occurs during the operation the Medical Coordinator is available for advice. In addition, field staff has access to 24 hour medical support via phone, contacted via the MSB Duty officer.
Psychosocial support
The MSB Staff Counsellor provides psychosocial support to field staff before, during and after an operation, which may, for example, consist of defusing sessions during the mission and follow-up calls afterwards. You also receive tips on what you can do to prepare yourself and your family that you are to go away on an operation.
Support from the MSB 24 hours a day
Field staff may, when needed, contact the MSB 24 hours a day whilst on operation. During office hours the Programme officer is the primary point of contact. Outside of office hours, field staff contact the MSB Duty officer.
The MSB offers introductory and specialized courses and training in-house or in collaboration with other partner organisations. There is a mandatory induction course for everyone registered on the roster. We also offer specialized courses and exercises in a variety of areas of expertise.
MSB training and exercises are available exclusively to those registered on the roster. During training participants receive a salary plus 12% holiday pay. The MSB also pays for travel, food and lodging.
Training and exercises for those who are registered on MSB's roster