Current recruitments
When the MSB need to strengthen the capacity of the roster or recruit for specific positions, roster openings and vacancy announcements are posted on this website. If you wish to apply, you will first have to create a MyPages account.
Current recruitments
CBRN Expert for multi-year project in Ukraine
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisat...
SRT Information Management Officer
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) utökar nu resursbasen med en Information Management Officer för arbete med analyser och lägesbilder inom förstärkningsresursen Stödstyrkan. MSB har samordningsansvaret för Stödstyrkan. Stödstyrkan ...
Renewable Solar Energy Expert-Engineer
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisa...
Byggnadsingenjörer till förstärkningsresurs Sök och räddning
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) bedriver insatser i Sverige och utomlands vid stora olyckor, kriser, katastrofer och konflikter. För nationella behov upprätthåller MSB beredskap i form av förstärkningsresurser som består av särskild k...
French speaking Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Officer to DRC
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisat...
French speaking Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Officer to Chad
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisat...
Energy Expert - Small scale solutions profile for MSB Field Staff roster
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisat...
Cyber Defense Technician for NATO
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organis...
The MSB Roster
The MSB roster consists of people with backgrounds in a variety of areas of expertise.
These people have gone through a selection process, and participated in training organised by the MSB. We recruit through the MSB roster to time-critical missions, as there is not enough time to post a vacancy announcement.
When we need to strengthen the roster with more people and new areas of expertise, we will post roster openings here. If you have an interest in participating in MSB operations and you find an announcement that matches your skills and experience, we recommend you to apply.
For missions where there the time frame so admits, we recruit by posting a vacancy announcement for the specific position, rather than recruiting via the roster.
Apply by logging on to your MyPages account (you find details on how to create an account on MyPages below), click on the announcement and press the apply button. You will then have the possibility to write a personal message to your application. Your CV consists of the information you have already registered via MyPages.
Once the application period has expired for an announcement, a selection process is carried out. This applies both when recruiting for specific positions and when strengthening the roster. The process can vary depending on the type of position, but when it comes to strengthening the roster, it is normally an interview and references. The applicants that we believe meet the requirements will be invited for an interview, and then we will contact the persons listed as references.
Based on the outcome, we then make an assessment which individuals best meet the requirements in the advertisement and register these on the roster.
MyPages is a web portal where anyone who is interested in working on MSB operations can register their contact information as well as information on educational background, work experience and language skills. The information that you register on MyPages forms the basis of your CV which we use in the event of recruitment. It is therefore very important that you make a complete registration, and that you enter your details in English. To make your CV as competitive as possible at all time, you should update your information on MyPages as you acquire additional experience and training.
Creating an account on MyPages is a pre-requisite for you to be able to submit your applications to roster openings or vacancy announcements. Mere registration of a MyPages account does not mean that you are registered on the MSB Roster, nor that you will be contacted by MSB staff.