The rescEU medical stockpile in Sweden

Sweden is one of the countries commissioned to host a medical stockpile for the European Union. The stockpile contributes to the development of common European preparedness within the framework of rescEU.

MSB is tasked to stockpile medical equipment including personal protective equipment (PPE) such as facemasks and gowns, as well as ventilators and other respiratory equipment. The equipment can be used in crises, when the needs exceed the member states’ own resources. When a country is in need of the EU resources, the responsible authority on national level applies to the EU.
One of MSB’s advantages is the long experience from warehousing and fast response, nationally as well as internationally. 

Cooperation with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and National Board of Health and Welfare

The project is financed by the EU and the budget amounts to over 20 million Euro. MSB leads the project and is responsible for stockpiling as well as for transport of requested material. The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV, is responsible for procurement including quality assurance. The National Board of Health and Welfare supports MSB and FMV with expertise regarding medical equipment and how this kind of equipment is best stored.


  • The assignment is valid for five years; the project started the 1st of September 2020.
  • The total budget is EUR 20 million, of which EUR 15 million are allocated to the purchase of equipment.
  • There are stockpiles in Germany, Romania, Greece, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Slovenia, and the Netherlands.

Facts on rescEU

  • RescEU is a common reserve of capacities at EU level, aiming at boosting the preparedness and response capacity for different types of crises, including forest fires and pandemics.
  • All requests for assistance on PPE and medical equipment pass through EU and the Emergency Response Coordination Centre in Brussels. Sweden might, as all other countries, request assistance through the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
  • Sweden also hosts aerial forest fire capacities and shelter stockpile for rescEU.
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