Bilateral meeting between MSB and DHS S&T
On June 12-13 MSB hosted the annual bilateral leadership meeting with Department for Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T).
The US delegation was headed by Under Secretary for Science and Technology Dimitri Kusnezov, and, in addition to participants from S&T, included representatives from the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the recently inaugurated DHS Supply Chain Resilience Center.

MSB and DHS-delegations after the Executive Session.
This year’s meeting was held in Luleå, and started with a presentation by Country Governor Lotta Finstorp, the Mayor of Boden Claes Nordmark and the Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce, about the exciting development that the region is currently going through. The program also included a field visit to Luleå Technical University and Talga’s battery factory, as well as a roundtable with representatives from the private sector about the Total Defence build up, supply chain security and geopolitical implications.
On Thursday, the delegations got a briefing about Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), which is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, and aims to secure Sweden’s position as an internationally recognized leader in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and software.
At the Executive Session, leadership updated each other on the state of play and discussed priorities for future cooperation. On the agenda was a briefing on a newly started joint project on modelling of critical infrastructure, performed by CenCip at Lund’s University together with CISA and Sandia National Labs. Leadership also learned more about a possible future collaboration area, centering on the threats and opportunities of AI in cyber-physical systems.