Terrorist attacks and other armed aggression – what to do

In the event of a terrorist attack and other deadly violence in progress, you need to act quickly. Here is some guidance about what you can do. If someone is bleeding heavily, you also need to act quickly.

If you are the victim of a terrorist attack or other armed aggression, act immediately. Run – Hide – Tell.


Get yourself to safety. Leave the scene as quickly and safely as possible and avoid crowds.


If you are unable to leave the area, find a place that you consider safe and that offers you protection. Pay attention to what you see and hear and try to stay calm.

Put your mobile phone on silent mode and switch off vibration. Do not call anyone who may be in danger. You might reveal their hiding place.


Alert the police via 112. The police need to know the location, what has happened, the number of perpetrators, which weapons they used, their description, and where you last saw them.

Warn those in danger and help those in need.

Also remember:

  • Only call if you need to request help, so as not to overload the network.
  • Follow instructions from the police, rescue services, and government agencies.
  • Do not spread rumours or unverified information about what is happening.
  • When police arrive on the scene, it may be difficult for them to immediately determine who is the perpetrator and who is the victim – so do not hold anything in your hands.
  • Be prepared for further attacks.
  • Get into the habit of noting emergency exits.
  •  If you see anything of concern, such as weapons or what you suspect may be explosives, contact the police.
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