Back up and secure your information

Just as you have a spare key for your home or a spare tyre for your car, it’s important to have a backup of your computer in case something happens. Backups are an essential tool.

Backing up information on your mobile phone, computer or tablet allows you to restore it if the original is lost or damaged. Backups are an essential part of administration for small and large businesses alike, but even private individuals are advised to make regular backups of important files.

Protect your information with a backup

If your computer breaks down and can no longer start up, the only way to recover your information is to have a backup. The same applies if it has been exposed to a virus or other malware that could lead to your computer being encrypted and inaccessible to you.

To avoid losing your stored files, it’s important that you have made regular backups and that you have practised restoring the information beforehand. It’s not only information that you may need to back up; sometimes, customised software may need to be copied if you do not know whether the provider has a copy of your software. If it's highly critical, you may need an extra device with software and backed up information available that is not connected to the Internet.

Checklist: backing up

  • Have a backup on a USB drive, external hard drive, database, or cloud service.
  • Back up often and at regular intervals. If you only have a backup from a few days ago, you run the risk of it also being infected by a virus.
  • Test your backup in advance, so you know what to do if you need to restore information.
  • Unplug your backup from your computer between copies. Otherwise, it too could be exposed to viruses or other malware.

How should you stay safe as a business owner?

  • Business downtime can be devastating. Make sure you have a working backup so you don't lose precious information and can maintain operations without extended interruptions.
  • Set clear routines for backing up your business information.
  • Store backups securely, preferably in a fireproof cabinet.
  • Consult your IT support if you are unsure.
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