Management of the authority

MSB is a unilateral authority, with a transparency advice. In a unilateral authority, the authority is headed by a head of authority, who is responsible to the government for its activities. The Government appoints the Director General, the Deputy Director General and the transparency council.

Director General: Mikael Frisell

The Director General is the head of the agency and is responsible for its activities.

Mikael Frisell, Director General of MSB

Photo: Melker Dahlstrand

Mikael Frisell, Director General of MSB



Press Photos of GD Mikael Frisell

  • Bio – Mikael Frisell, Director General of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)

    Mikael Frisell was appointed Director General for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency on November 1st 2024.

    Before joining MSB Mikael served as Chief of Staff and Deputy National Armaments Director at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration.
    Mikael has a longstanding career within the Swedish Armed Forces and was promoted to Major General in 2022. He has served as Military Advisor under two Supreme Commanders as well as Chief of Staff for the Nordic Battle Group.

    Mikael has also served as Commanding Officer for the Norrbotten Regiment and for the Regional Command North.

    Mikael is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences since 2021.

Deputy Director General: Anna Starbrink

The Deputy Director General supports the Director General in the management and control of the agency's activities. The Director General is also the Agency's Deputy Director General.



  • Bio - Anna Starbrink, Deputy Director General of Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)

    Anna Starbrink was appointed Deputy Director General of Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency on 24 February 2025.

    Before joining MSB, Anna was a member of the Swedish Parliament and a regular member of the Defence Committee. Anna has also held Senior Management roles in several municipalities, including Executive Director in Uppsala Municipality and Member of the Regional Executive Board in Region Stockholm.

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